Wednesday, May 9, 2012


While I have been working on a good sum of material for the past year or so, I revived some old music I had made from '08-'09. The project was entitled 'Columntarium'. I decided to compile selected tracks into a specific order that would compliment one another and I think it turned out to not be too shabby. I have given several good friends the final compilation of my work, with fancy smancy packaging, and have gotten some pretty good feedback. So, here I am three years later posting this compilation. This music is very personal and I thought it would be nice to share it with friends, or whoever.

Here it is:

1. Appendix I: The Spark Before the Flame
2. Blossomed
3. Exhibit I: Newton
4. Farewell
5. Labrynth: Laughter Along the Maze
                                                                    6. Motherboard
7. The Sentence
8. Amongst the Electric Sea, the Voyagers Still Weep
9. The Snow
10. The Tar
11. Vorlord
12. What We Once Thought Was Our Habitat... 

p.s. if you enjoyed it and want a copy of this with the fancy smancy packagaing. e-mail me at or hit me up on fb or some shit


-andy cab